

I am one of the chosen people. I have also decided to accept this and to live a life of honor.
It’s not always easy. I’m a lucky fellow; always have been. However, it’s against my moral code to gamble. I will not sin, even in the face of challenges and trials.
My furniture was bought on credit. I’m a doctor, Tertius by name. My wife likes her life of privilege and won’t hear of us losing the furniture. But the bill is due, and my patients are poor villagers who cannot pay me. My need for money does not cause the patients to pay, you see.
I’m good at whist, for some reason. I have a talent for it. I know how to cheat in the game, though of course I would never do so.
But I could win so much back, earn money to pay my debt; it could be done overnight.
I could do it. It might be dangerous if I really cheated. It might rouse people to anger. Even cheating a charlatan is a sin.
My wife would not forgive me.
I must not sin.
I must find another way to earn.
Perhaps punishing a cheater would be just, though….

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