

The jig was up. Everyone scattered. Another whistle; more gunfire. Joe saw the brick behind him start to splinter. His heart sunk; his legs felt heavy. This time, they were firing at him!

“Bill!” That same mysterious voice called. “What are you waiting for? Ru…” Before the question was contemplated, while the next word was spoken, Joe had already begun to ‘run’.

He dodged to the left, fell to the ground and rolled. Returning to his feet, he quickly continued running. He was at a full sprint and almost out of breath as he flew through the back door of the Gold Rush Ltd.

At the top of the first flight of stairs, Joe held his side and breathed heavily. There was a meeting room to his right. Perhaps he could hide there? Creeping inside, he slowly closed the door. The hallway was silent. Then a knock. The sound sent a chill up Joe’s spine. Was the tapping made with the barrel of a gun?

The voice called again.“Bill? Bill!” His head snapped back, his eyes flung open. “Run the PowerPoint presentation. Please!”

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