Carrick's Ocean
A misty cove on an island in the remote part of the Caribbean sea, the waves ripped up the surrounding cliff faces and washed up across shallow beaches. The mist was getting heavier as the prevailing winds brought light rain which then turned into heavy rain and added to the dreary landscape.
A row boat with a dozen men faded into view from the fog. The bow of the small vessel hit the shore and slid up the beach with the waves, four men in blue coats and white facings pulled the boat by the bow as far up the beach as possible before the boat settled in the sand and friction took over.
The first man up the beach head was in a long navy blue coat with gold facings. He had a golden hilted saber sheathed on his leather cross belt. He walked ahead whilst the rest of the men anchored the boat, gathered their weapons and pull packs out onto the beach. Lieutenant Greenwood watched watched as the captain walked off and vanished into the palm trees.