

I blacked out before the Queen of Dietz Lake had pulled me into her boat. I woke up inside a normal looking house with a crazy headache. My chest hurt too.

“Ah, you’re awake.” The Queen herself brought me some tea, chamomile.

“Who are you? Why did you save me?”

“I wasn’t going to. I wanted you to die. But not in my lake. I am Jared’s mother.” Jared. That was his name!

“When I heard that Jared hit you, and you defended yourself, I didn’t believe it. Not my Jared. It took me a long time to forgive you. When I saw you lurking around the cabin, I called the police. You were locked up. Your eyes were glazed over. I knew you were broken.” She looked sad, and took a sip of her tea.

“When you were in the white boat I realized you’d saved yourself by forgetting it all and I knew you were slowly remembering. Your eyes were alert, but confused. I decided it would honor Jared’s memory to make sure you were okay; healed. He loved you so much. So I helped you.”

“You can stay here. Until you are better”

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