Intriguing. It suggests a lot but doesn’t nail it down, which works fine. The mood and defiant desperation come through without all the details being right there. Shitty, gritty, and real.
Points are certainly awarded for maximal use of expletives in a minimum number of sentences. I can sympathise – I used to live in this very same flat, with the very same shower. THX is right in that it is suggestive, without being very explicit about anything – makes it hard to judge on its own. A sequel is clearly in order.
BTW, do you need a ? on how do you beat yourself or is the flat end of the sentence deliberate?
I like how the character lives in a depressing hovel in a depressing district of the city — and yet retains enough personal pride to at least convince herself she is where she ought to be. I have all kinds of thoughts of what the ‘two’ ought to be — or at least could be.