Origin: The Key
“Tabitha – ‘just vanished’?” Akmal raised an eyebrow. “How?”
“I’ve no idea.” Ziegler wiped her bifocals. “We were in the West chamber…”
“Of the Barrow?”
Ziegler nodded. “The battery on the UV scope was getting low… I went for another… I was back in less than a minute!”
Akmal stood. “Show me.”
From the foot of Silbury Hill, they drove to the south, arriving at the entrance of West Kennet Long Barrow a moment later.
They stepped from the vehicle. “Tell me the results of your studies with the meteorite. What did your friend at the College conclude?”
“It’s fascinating! The SEM revealed formations resembling a complex structure of interdependent and subordinate elements in conformation of bacteria fossils.”
“In English, Doctor.”
“Under the microscope, structures were revealed that we interpreted as remains—in the form of fossils—of bacteria-like lifeforms.”
They rounded the corner. “Where is the stone?”
“In my pack. – What? – This is her pack! She switched…”
“Yes, Doctor. And found the way in.”