I read back to follow the strange but alluring little life of Otto and was expecting to hear about his wrestling match and how it panned out . Perhaps this leap to the Great Beyond speculation suggests he underwent another life threatening situation as the Guatemalan Ripple/Nipple. Have you read Stephen Dobyn’s novel The Wrestler’s Cruel Study which is amazingly well written and weird, this sort of reminded me of parts of it.
A peculiar finish to a surreal tale. Fitting, perhaps, that is should end at last with the metaphysical horror of the supermarket queue. Or will there be more?
Oh, yes. There will be more. Just noticed that I didn’t connect this last group together as part of an on-going series that started with this: http://ficly.com/stories/33726
Nice name, Baron! I guess I need to go read the rest. The abrupt ending was not what I expected, which is good. It made me stop and ponder. I found the idea of walmart patrons shooing him away amusing.