
The Boy

He beat on the lump of dough. Knead it Momma said. Knead it. Like this.

It felt bright beneath his hands.

The dough was white. His hands looked dirty. His hands were clean. Momma washed them. His hands looked dirty.

The boy next door said he was dirty. The boy said he was dirty ‘cause Momma was dirty. The boy said Momma was so dirty their skin would never wash clean.

The dough did what he said. The dough did what his hands said. The dough listened to him. He liked that.

Momma leaned close. Her front touched his back. Her hair tickled and he swatted at it. Momma laughed. She messed his hair. Good job Momma said. You’re such a good helper.

The dough was white and the white made his hands look dirty. The boy next door said he was dirty. The boy next door said he would never wash clean.

He hit the boy.

The boy felt like dough.

He beat on the lump of dough. The dough was white.

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