
Origin: Dark Horse

Light from the world above faded. Drips of water echoed in the distance. The Baetylus Stone in hand, it casting its eerie glow, Akmal drifted deeper into the darkness.

“Stand down!” A voice called out from the blackness below.

Dropping, he inched forward on a cold and wet jutted rock ledge high above the cavern. The glistening stone seemed to shine upon the cave floor far below. Its light revealed a diver ascending from the water as a another, a larger figure, emerged from the shadows.

Akmal peered through the darkness.

The sensual shape of a woman, hips shifting from side to side as she walked. A lovely hand held the diving light. A familiar face.


Gears clanked, rotors clinked, levers lifted; the sounds of a metallic body moving in the distance betrayed the existence of her feminine form. Outside; the beautiful olive skinned, dark haired women with sea-green eyes. A machine within?


Losing his hold he fell from the precipice. Expecting to hit. Falling for far too long. He awoke.

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