
Here I Am (7)

…landed in a pile of feathers. It was a good job she had installed these last year after she had sustained a nasty injury after slipping and falling prematurely through the macarena.

Maria looked about. The cave was exactly as she had left it. LED panels flickering with streams of intelligence gathered from around the world. It looked like the world’s most intense financial trading floor, but with only one worker. Maria approached the largest of the panels, a map of the world twice as tall as her, but still showing the UK as larger than France… “Why do maps always do this?”, she wondered.

She tapped Tang Chung-ying’s HKID number into the system. A red light immediately illuminated on the screen somewhere in Asia. The circular spot reduced in size as the GPS system became more specific, the satellites way above her head locating her son. The red dot shrunk and stopped right above a place she had only read about before in magazines…

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