I’m not sure who the worse monster is here — the abusive guardians, or the sociopathic child who can kill and then go back to bed without a care in the world.
Ah. But the real question is, “How many children, abused spouses, etc. end up feeling this way and wishing they could find a way out?” In my pieces like this it isn’t the atrocious act that it’s really about, but questions like these that it might make one ask themselves. Thank you so much for the comment! :)
You put a lot of thought into your writing. Most people, myself included, do not think beyond the surface material of the story they read/write. The underlying principles and questions are where true writing and analysis occur. I’m impressed.
:3 This comment has made my day. All of the people that I know in real life simply tell me that I “think too much” or that I am “being dramatic.” I’m glad that you actually understand.