Terrier Tactics
I used to know this kid called Terry: an annoying, obnoxious, self-satisfied pinprick. When I graduated from high school, I left that Bolshevik behind me.
But now I have this co-worker who, if anything, is even Terrier. He’s called Span, but if I didn’t know better I would swear it was bad ol’ Terry, only more so. A menace to peace of mind, a heckler and a stickler and a know it all…God he grated on my nerves as soon as I met him at my first staff meeting. I’m new here at the corp. I was lucky to get this job. Now I’m wondering if this is some sort of punishment for a prior misdeed, if God is just pissed at me or something. Geez.
Well, anyhow, I’ve got to do something about this. He’s on my back, sometimes leaning over my workstation, Stabilo in hand and with nothing positive to say. I have to get some sort of plan together. I hope this journal will help me come to grips with a strategy to get myself some calm and to get my job safe as I’m establishing myself. God bless everyone, His will be done, but OY.