
Our Intrepid Adventurer - Part 1

At the bottom of a very cold lake there is a large cavern. It is filled with air and not water. In the middle of the cavern sits a very old and very large castle. Don’t ask me how it got there. No-one knows, not even me.

In the middle of the castle, which is in the cavern at the bottom of the lake, there is a throne room, and in the middle of that throne room there is a throne. Pay attention, because this is where it gets interesting: Sitting in the throne is the skeleton of a very old king, and in his hands he holds an old chest with a single word engraved on it:


Thousands have tried and failed to get to that box. Warriors, priests, and wizards. The brave and the cowardly, the bright and the dim. All have failed. The halls of the castle are littered with the bones of people who have fallen prey to devious traps and numerous pitfalls.

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