I’m not sure if it was meant to be this way or not but I thought the segment," and their manner of reproduction is a private matter" was quite funny. I would never have considered their reproductive processes until it was brought up and then to be told I wouldn’t hear anything about this idea I hadn’t originally considered made me very curious to know the reproductive manner of tormaunts. How sneaky.
I haven’t read any others of this series, but now I’m interested in why I’m interested in these creatures! I really like the style of narration in this, and I found myself looking for the similarities/differences between humans and your creatures.
I thought a lot about the series of stories here and figured a lot out. Now it’s a Grand Concept. You heard it here first: This takes place on one of the Beadworlds, and the series of stories will feature a lot about gender struggles and gender identity…both science fiction and fantasy.