The Beadworlds: Notes on the world of Kertline and Heliola
The stories take place on two separate small worlds or moons capable of supporting life. These worlds are connected together both by gravity and by magnetism, and do not circle a large massy center object. Instead, they hurtle through space. Gravity of things it passes make a difference on the way the string of “pearls” travel. At some point, things will happen to the string. One large object will make the ends meet, I think. A comet may hit one of the objects, breaking the link. This is all to be determined, I’m just thinking about the concept at this point.
Gender is a key point in the stories. Many of these worlds, which number about eight right now but may expand to nine, are matriarchies, ruled and dominated by women; men are considered lesser beings by some old fashioned people, though not younger generations so much. Genderfluid and gender-deviant people have their own underground society. Some are respected in this quality but most are shunned or misunderstood. Some are trying to equal things out.