I wish that I could manipulate my shadow! At first I thought you meant that simply the shadow and the person wouldn’t match up, which would be quite creepy in itself, but then you took it so much further! The last paragraph is missing a period, however. :)
What a cool concept! I love how the normalcy of his life was set up, as well as how the curse of the Lights contrasted with the power of the shadow. It was subtle and very well executed!
Nice, very nice. It, in a way, reminds me of a couple of scenes of the Amazing Spider-Man, where he used his powers to restrain the burglar, and had gained plenty of enjoyment from doing so.
I like the concept a lot. I feel the introduction wasn’t needed, I would’ve enjoyed an entire story just on the one encounter, maybe a little more morbid, but your audience target may be tweens, then it works.