

You answer my every prayer with unbearable silence
With unending quiet when all I desire are words
Have I only dreamed of past answers in thoughts twisted
By an overwhelming desire for your acknowledgement
Or are you merely so capricious as to ignore the desperation
That poisons billions of bright lives

You are so important
That your name is in our every exclamation
Of joy
Of surprise
Of relief
Oh yes
You are everywhere in everything
But can you predict
Where our free will takes us now

Our only guidance comes from the lessons we teach each other
Which dictate what is “good” and “bad”
And their consequences

Our only use for you
Comes from our desire to shift the blame that we would take for ourselves
To someone who cannot be blamed
Which somehow dissipates
The pain that would rot away all we hold dear

So I guess
After all that
I find you have a purpose after all

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