Alter-Naming (Superhero Black Hole, part 126)
Cut to:
Just over an hour later.
Me and the Zoes had all showered—
(NOT TOGETHER, Zoe (the original (and best?) has hastened me to add)
—and were now seated in the living area, whilst Al did something that you could only describe as him recharging his batteries over by the computers.
Zoe One lay out flat on one of the sofas, whilst me and the other Zoe sat on each of the other ones available for sitting on.
“Jesus, when was the last time I actually had a shower?,” Zoe One asked at the ceiling-that-was-not-a-ceiling.
“Zoe, a piece of advice,” I said. “When it comes to us, never ask any questions that involve the ‘T’ word, because it will only lead to confusion, madness and general anarchy.”
“Fair point.”
I then turned and pointed at the other Zoe. “And as for you, can I please give you a nickname so I can actually keep track of you two in my head?”
“Alright,” she said. “Any suggestions?”
“ZOWIE!,” said Zoe.
I shook my head. “Really?”
“She’s my Alternate. It’s only fair I get to name her…”