I'll Meet You in the Woods (memory)
Candra sat, drowning in mud and weeping, the night was dark. Of course this would be the night that the moon would hide and the sky would cry in it’s absence. Candra and the rain’s cries tried to drown the other out, but it really got them nowhere. The river filled and flowed over the bed. A crash of thunder sounded and Ize rode down onto the sliding bank. He had followed the sound of her cries from the hill. Candra’s eyes fought the flow of the rain to meet his. He wondered why the beautiful girl cried.
“Why are you out in the rain? Come to my home. There is a fire and you may dry your clothes. My mother and sister have made a stew.”
Candra shook her head, “If I wanted to, I’d get up and walk all the way back home.”
Her sudden hardness was surprising.
“And where is home?”
“Across the bridge? You’re a long way from home. Well, I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. So goodnight and good luck.” He said, slowly starting to gallop away on his stud.
She sighed, “No, wait, please.”