
Clock: The First Quarter

What time is it? Don’t ask. Don’t look at me. Please, don’t. Stay away, back off, turn around, look somewhere else. However you wanna say it, just don’t look at me. Stop. I’m still going at the same speed every second. Looking at me is not going to make anything go by faster. People say time goes by fast when you’re having fun and slow when you’re not, but to me, everything goes by one second at a time, regardless if I’m having fun or not. And so is the life of a clock.
Everyone’s always staring at me. They want one time to be over and another one to start. I’m continuous, but they aren’t. You’d think that people would find a better way to spend their time than to look at me or wish their time away. I’m always changing. I’m shifty. And my broken counterparts are right twice a day, which is two more times than the dude in math class that’s been staring at me for the past five minutes.

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