September 17th, 2017
Angel’s Breath Safe Zone, San Fransisco, California
Lieutenant West Vega
57th Platoon
We didn’t last long, I’ll be honest.
They swarmed us. And, well, while Uncle Same gave us a lot, he didn’t give us enough. The mortars were nice; took out thousands and made the rest of our jobs easier. But they only gave us twenty. Assholes. We had a few Humvees with gunners to use’em, but that didn’t really help when the Walkers got in them. We never had a Humvee come back. Oh, and the bullets. That’s a laugh. We didn’t have nearly enough. Maybe enough for about a third of us for a few days. That’s it. Food was hard to come by, and we had to start hunting. Almost nobody came back, and we usually had to put down those who did. Couldn’t risk having them turn.
Took two weeks to finally kill us off. We ran out of bullets. Our barriers broke.
Now it’s just me and a dog, Cosmo. Sniffer dog. Good boy.
Hope I can find two bullets ’fore they break down the door.