Hivelings Pt. 12: Homework
“…Answer to 13…”
“The Pythagorean Theorem?”
“Da, thanks.”
Ivan and Ellis were with Cassidy in her kitchen, working on their homework. With all three working together on the same problems, it was going quickly.
“Am I the only one who thinks Mister Clark is a bit crazy?” Ellis said, chewing her pencil’s eraser.
Cassidy considered this, then said, “If he was crazy, he probably wouldn’t be teaching AT ALL, much less that class. Why’s it called Vore, though?…”
Ivan looked up from his math book. “Is short for vorephelia, which is fetish involving being swallowed whole,” he responded.
Ellis’ face wrinkled. “Ew,” she said. “People actually get off on that?!”
Cassidy chuckled. “Apparently,” she muttered, shaking her head. “Some people, I swear…” She scribbled something down, then looked up. “All I have left is my Vore homework,” she announced. “You guys wanna work on it?”
Ivan nodded. “Give me one minute,” he replied. “Almost finished.”
“This is gonna be so weird…” Cassidy muttered.