Hivelings Pt. 26
Cassidy flew out the broken window, causing the harpy to crash into the wall. It groaned, got up, and coughed Jessy up. “I’ll come back when your daughter is in my belly,” it snarled, pinning her under a toppled couch. She then flew out the window after Cassidy.
This was a terrible idea, Cassidy thought. She looked over her shoulder to see the harpy- a female, she noted- was gaining on her.
“RUN ALL YOU WANT!” the harpy screeched. “YOU WONT ESCAPE MY HUNGER!”
Cassidy looked down and saw what she’d been going for; the school. She landed with a thud, ran up to the doors, and pulled them open. She dashed in, ignoring the alarm going off.
She rounded a corner and ran into someone. She fell back.
“Miss East?” came a voice. She looked up and saw Mr. Clark standing over her.
“What’re you doing here??”