Hivelings Pt. 36
The male neko walked in, in full military uniform.
“Mister Clark,” Cecilia said, “may I ask WHY you are in combat uniform?”
“In a minute,” was his response. He walked over to Cassidy and leaned over to look her in the eye.
Then he opened his mouth and ate her.
She was shocked into stillness during the trip down his throat, but she came to her senses upon landing in his belly. She quickly began to struggle, kicking the front wall numerous times and scraping it with her fingernails, managing to make a small cut. She felt a tugging sensation, and realized to her horror that she was being pulled down into his digestive tract!
Cecilia only watched, understanding his motives.
“Help!” Cassidy screamed, clutching the sides of the opening to prevent being sucked down completely. There would be no return from that.
She gave one last cry for help… and slipped into the intestines, still alive.