The Faerie, the Glashtyn and the Elf - Part 2
The faeries came next. They floated by the scowling glashtyn and sat themselves down on a dead branch. “Good evening all!” the head faerie called out in an annoying, twinkly voice. They all turned to see a bunch of elves strode into the garden and sat themselves cross legged and straight backed near the fearies. The tallest and most handsome of the group looked over and winked at the head faerie.
“You are lookink fery radiant tonight, Tvinkle” the German creature cooed.
The faerie scowled,
“Go back to your North Pole and your presents” she gibed, poking a sharp finger at the elf.
“Oi!” he yelled bitterly, “you shtupid little pixies! You haf got it so easy vith all your flying and goot reputation. All anyone sinks vee do is vork for some fat man and make toys all year! Those shtupid kids don’t deserf the presents zey sink vee deliver!”
At this, a plump male faerie called out in an unnaturally high pitched voice, “Easy? At least they don’t think you wear dresses and obsess over teeth and some poxy dust!”