The Faerie, the Glashtyn and the Elf - Part 4
“The only ones we’re waiting for now are the spooks” called the wise women.
“You are joking!” the faeries exclaimed, “who invited them?” They take away any fun from these stupid gatherings!
“Whit? Like you?” the glashtyn jeered.
“Hey! You keep your opinions to yourself you fool!” the faeries retorted.
“Shut up ye numpty!”
“Oxygen thief!”
“Tattie bogle!”
“That’s enough!” the elder of the wise women screeched.
Then the air grew colder, and the wind picked up a fierce speed. Then they all sighed as the spooks floated through the hedge and shrouded the entire meeting.
“They always did ken how tae mak an entrance,” the glashtyn muttered.
The wise women tried to muster a smile, only to be received and returned by the gentry.
“Now,” they began, “if that’s everyone here, we can begin! Orcus, why don’t you start?”
The strix humphed as he flew over the head of the glashtyn and landed in front of the entire group and hooted
“My name is Orcus, and I am a forgotten magical being.”