Hard to know what to make of this one – I’d like a bit more to go on. I think that you could probably have cut some of the detail in the descriptions (eg taking the cigar, putting it in his mouth, finding a lighter, lighting it) and made room for a bit more plot. Careful with those comma splices as well…
As always with your stories, though, I’m sufficiently interested to want to read some more.
Good atmospheric start, already you get a sense of slight ennui from Jack, as if whatever the situation he has seen it all before and really doesn’t care .
After I read the story opening, I knew it must be future based before I even glanced over at the tags. Then, like 32^2 I also thought along the lines of “Bladerunner”. I got a “Dark City”, or “Fifth Element” kind of vibe as well. I like the atmosperic opening. I think it’s a good hook for getting moved into plot. I hope you write more on it.
Interestingly enough, I just wrote a ficly last night that is future based. As I go back and read yours, then read mine, I think the two might work well together. I might rewrite mine with the names of your characters as a sequel, just to see if you or anyone thinks it has potential.
Ok. I deleted my original one, re-wrote it just slightly (adding character name) and attached as a sequel to yours. I think it works pretty well, but see what you think.