
A Blackness continues

I stop again and listen, nothing but bird calls, creek sounds of trickling water, and some frogs on the wind, so I walk again up the trail. Over a dead-fall blocking the path, up towards my small home made trail that only I know.
“Your trespassing, you know” Says a woman’s clear voice, enunciated with age.
I stop, starting as I stop, a tremble and a lurch and surprise all in one.
Suddenly out of the trees and dusk I see her, she’s been standing there the whole time and I had looked right past her.
“I’ve been coming here since I was little,” I said, staring at her grey blue eyes, taking in her chiseled finely aged features, her sparse clothing and no nonsense gear.
“Is this your land,” I finish, taking a breath… its as if I’ve said an entire speech… now I don’t know what else to say.
“I’ve seen you before young’n, and yes… this is my land.” She now sat back on her haunches, and stared me down, not unfriendly, but not friendly either.

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