Inserted this one into what seemed the best place in the story line. It’s a companion piece to JonB’s “Gunn Grease” story, a look at the same event through different eyes.
It’s a bit of a challenge trying to get the story to lay down in an intuitive way because the story lines for individual characters are progressing at different speeds. Ficly has sequels and prequels but it doesn’t have co-quels, if I can coin a phrase, contemporaneous stories from other perspectives.
Love it. Totally exemplifies the sort of manly banter that is perfect for the genre here. “I shouldn’t.” I think we all know that feeling, that tug between what we should do and what we kinda, sorta want to do.
This is very well done, playing the same scene from a different perspective. I hadn’t considered using Ficly in this non-linear way before, but it really works, and provides a solution to the issue of everyone writing and posting at different rates (I for one probably won’t get chance to publish another installment until next week).
‘Coquels’ seem to be sequels of the same event. I see Ficly’s current structure working out just fine.
To see an event from a different perspective, simply go back one step and follow a different trail.
So the story directly before Nick arrives at the Topaz should be the story with everyone else’s prequels. Those links will be the Topaz from their perspective.