
Stop Expecting So Much

I can’t win at video games.
Like, I’m really bad.

I can’t win at poker.
Like, I’m really bad.

I can’t win at relationships.
Like, I’m really bad.
Like, I want to communicate
because I really do have something to say,
but I’m not bold enough to speak…
or if I am, I’m shut down by a laugh from a friend.

I can’t be taken seriously.
Or I am taken too seriously.
Both are unpleasant.

I laugh and enjoy myself most of the time.

I deserve some down (sad)-time. Everybody does.
So if you try to make me laugh and
I clam up,
don’t be irritated.

I can’t believe what I put up with sometimes.
A light wind would push me into the nearest ditch.
I’d probably just stay there.

Oh, beauty of a man,
tell me to stop pitying myself.
Tell me to strive to be better.

Well, I will.
But I need a break, too.
Stop expecting so much.
I have.

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