

You’re really excited. You found this… thing, it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s that something that interests you and you think that you won’t look like a complete fool if you share it with someone. So you wait until the right moment to bring it up.

“Sure, I’ll look at it.” This brings your hopes up, nervous energy concentrating itself within the pit of your stomach as you prepare to show them your newest find (the entire time silently praying that they will like it). “Just give me a minute, I have to go talk to somebody.”
Your heart drops into your stomach for a minute. You’ve heard that line before, many times. You know what their saying, you know what it means. It means you’ll be keeping your discovery to yourself. It means they won’t come back to see what you found, or what you made, or what you did. It means they’ll forget about you. That’s what you’ve learned over the years.

But again, you think to yourself, This time will be different. So you wait, and keep waiting.

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