
Not the Confidant type

“Oh, hey.” She rose from the bed.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to know you’re pissed.”
Diane was the last person Natalie wanted to discuss him with. She was great for a roommate and all, but not the Confidant type.
“Well, not pissed per se, just hurt and frustrated.”
Natalie was cautious when it came to filling her roommate in on her personal life.
Diane was rather friendly with half of the men’s dorm, never taking her suitors seriously.
“But I don’t want to talk about it.” She said.
“Suit Yourself .” Diane told her “I’m here if ya wanna talk.”
Natalie wondered if she could talk to her roommate about this.
“Hey Di…” She asked about thirty minutes later
“have you ever been in Love? "
Diane gave her a queer look and after a minute or two she answered her.
“Once” hurrying out the door.
Had she said something wrong?

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