Boarding School
From the minute I woke up, I knew today would be hectic. Then again, the next year of my life will be hectic- living away from home and all.
You see, it’s my senior year of high school and my parents decided to transfer me to a boarding school that’s about a million miles away. I know they sound completely insane for doing this, especially since I’m their only good daughter! But they claim that they’re doing it for my “own good”, whatever that means. I know that their true intentions were to keep me away from my “bad-boy” boyfriend Steven. He’s not THAT bad, to be honest. So he broke into his neighbor’s house, BIG DEAL! Teenagers do silly stuff like that all the time! At least he only did it once. Whatever though, they don’t understand.
So here’s my plan; go to this ridiculous boarding school, make no friends, flunk out, blame my failure on the fact that I have no friends, and soon I’ll be back home once again enjoying movie nights with my friends and boyfriend. Good plan, huh?