This is the first of a project where I write while under the influence. I want to see how substances affect my writing and storytelling, or if my writing is coherent at all.
Brutal and loose. It feels like a head trip, and it does definitely feel like there was some substance involved. There is some good imagery, so I guess that is a success for the experiment.
Thank you for the feedback! I don’t know when the rest of the project will be continued as I’m rarely under the influence, but I look forward to continuing.
Good God, I only every write while under the influence! (Of course, I exagerate for comic effect. Slightly).
That aside, this is definitely odd. One can read it through again and again and draw all kinds of different meanings from it – or none at all. It could have been generated by a machine, or alternatively, some sophisticated cut-up technique. But, you are clearly still in possession of your full skills as a writer even while drunk, as this is full of arresting imagery and well-turned phrases. Also, I note, no spelling errors or typos: did you proof this while sober, or are you simply infallible when it comes to such potential errors – even when drunk?