I like the animal metaphors that mirror her internal conflict of being—trying to look the part of the high society lamb but a vicious jungle cat underneath. Feels appropriately hopeless and tragic.
Nick isn’t entirely capable of thinking straight right now, and I share that to some measure. I wonder whether Maryanne is feeling vulnerable in need of protection in some respect. Well, all I can do is to continue along this vein until something else happens that requires Nick’s attention.
I think the great part of this whole exercise is the many-to-many relationship between character and plot. The other great things is that Maryanne is ungoverned!!! Anyone can move her through any plot point they want.
She has significant weight with Nick and Otellio, and they are very connected to the other characters.
For example, Otellio is caught between her and Disibio with the money she stole and Otellio needs. This is something that will come to a head immediately.
Additionally, why did she invite Nick to dinner and Otellio’s club on the night after stealing her husband’s money? This could go in a variety of directions, but there is a framework in place.
It’s a great title, and a lovely bit of writing. The intimacy between the two characters is palpable; I can smell her perfume, and see his awkward feet shuffling across the dance floor.