I like the title very much – but I have no idea how it relates to the content. Perhaps not your fault, but without more context, pretty hard to judge this. Adding some key words to guide the reader might help?
well the title comes from a song by imogen heap, titled “hide and seek”, a piece of which was sampled and made popular by Jason Derulo in his song “Whatcha Say”. titling this poem “hide and seek” would be too straightforward and would endanger my status as an enigmatic poet, thus i had to use an obscure line from an obscure song obscurely related to the poem itself, which is about a time i was mad at my friend for getting drunk without me, but i couldn’t send them home because as such, they couldn’t drive. so i hid in my yard for about an hour until they finally found me. hide and seek. they thought i was playing around but i really just wanted to be alone.