Chillism; The Ultimate Guide To Being Chill (5)
Non-chill scenario: You are the mother of a teenage daughter whom you have recently discovered is quite the rebel. You’re surprised one day when she comes home with a nose piercing. She thought you wouldn’t notice. How oblivious can you possibly be?! As soon as you notice you begin to scream and before you know it, you’re practically pulling your hair out. Typical parent moment! You send her to her room immediately and you tell her she’s “grounded” for a month. She refuses, of course! You try to be persistent, so you order her to go to her room again. This time, she throws a fit (which is a typical teenage moment!). She starts blabbering, stammering and uttering words of spite headed your way. You just take your coat and leave the house. That’s it? You’re giving up that easily? Tsk Tsk! You come back thirty minutes later to find her sitting on the couch watching “Gossip Girl” as if nothing happened.