

The way the follicles arranged themselves on her arm, with thin black hairs protruding from each one made me feel good. As she slept, I stared lovingly at her skin. Her wrist had only a few tiny hairs in random locations. The back of her hand had none except near the wrist bone under the pinky finger.

On her forearm there were more, accumulating into a field of tiny black stalks. Up to the elbow, on the outside of the forearm, a thicket developed and this was where I felt the most excited about her body, where it was hairiest.

What was it about hair on a woman’s body that intrigued me? It excited me, aroused me and made me wild with anticipation. Was it the sensory meeting the sensual? The sight of this black, masculine fur, on a beautiful woman’s body seemed like an anomaly.

It made things all the more erotic.

There was no hair anywhere else on her body, save the flowing dark brown tresses on her head. The rest of the body was bare, completely barren of that enticing hair.

It was a great loss to me.

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