This is brilliantly tragicomic. You can sense the castaways’ desperation and the resignation in the last note is actually quite poignant. And I love the way that you get around the limitation on characters (I imagine them painstakingly scratching the sic after each phonetic misspelling in their messages, some deranged maintaining of editorial standards despite their descent into madness. I imagine that I’d do the same myself).
_ reached the shore that held the shattered launch that the sea tossed on the island_ has a house that jack built rhythm to it that lends to the fairy-tale feel (unintentional, perhaps?). And it’s also a cracking good story. Great!
@JonB- Thanks. Tragic/ comedy intended. I just imagine that the math teachers wrote the original notes and the language arts teachers followed behind correcting them. Was not aware of the sing-song line, but I do that accidentally because I do write songs.