
Fifteen minutes!

“Okay!” typed Puni, “I have 15 minutes to write something before work.”

“Just write after work,” came Michelle’s reply through Skype.

“You don’t understand!” typed Puni. “If I don’t write something before work I get all stressed out!”


“Because if I don’t write something before work I get all distracted and that makes me tired, so when I get home in the evening I don’t want to write anything. Then I get bummed out and I’m in a bad mood in the morning and don’t write anything!”

“Okay, calm down. How much time do you have now?”

“Like… 12 minutes… But I have other stuff I have to do too!”

“Like what?”

“I dunno… brush my teeth. Do my hair. Maybe shower.”


“And the trash needs to be taken out.”

“Puni, wait.”

“And dishes are piling up.”



“You haven’t showered yet?”


“And now you have 10 minutes?”


“Go shower, go eat, and copy/paste this chat.”


“This is what you wrote today!”

“Ah, good idea! Thanks! You’re a good friend. :D”


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