
Puni's friend has a crisis!

“So how bad was it?” Michelle’s chat window asked when Puni logged in.

“Bad,” Puni replied. “I was 45 minutes late…”

“Ouch! What’d they say?”

“Well I kinda had to cover my butt, so I said I was dealing with a crisis at home and they seemed to buy it eventually.”

“A crisis?”

“Yeah, I said a good friend of mine was having a major emotional breakdown and I was up all night with her.”

“A good friend huh?”

“Yeah… thing is they didn’t buy the excuse at first, so I sort of panicked and started adding little bits to make it more believable.”

“Like what?”

“Well you know, I had to make my friend’s breakdown seem real, so I had to come up with a pretty good story for her, but things sort of got away from me…”

“They did, did they?”

“Uh huh. Before I knew it my good friend was going through some pretty heinous stuff.”

“I see, and which of your good friends did you tell them was experiencing this heinous stuff?”

" >_>; "


“You’ll be getting some really nice letters in the mail soon!”

" >:( "

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