This thread begins on Thursday, the day of the robbery, tho the prequel is set in Friday, the day after it. Thus the sunshine. I didn’t want to disturb the start of Noir.
I love that you went all the way back to the beginning to fill in Fabrizio’s back story. I also like that you are doing your pieces in the present tense rather than in the past tense; it adds a sense of immediacy to the proceedings.
One suggestion that I would make is that you not start all of your stories off with “Fabrizio:”. Rather, put Fabrizio’s full name in the tags and use the saved characters for other things. The 1024 character limit takes some getting used to and over time, you’ll learn to be very economical with your words, and choose them very carefully.
Second August, both as to the tense and the tag suggestion. Great choice Fabrizio – a whole new character to draw from the shadows and expand as you see fit. This is gonna be fun! Also appreciate the musings on Lambone…
Pablo Vilas
August 2nd
THX 0477