The white sand glitters. Tide pools shine.
Our sandbar’s grown so huge
It’s going to be forever mine.
Let’s build a dike, a last refuge
For when the tide comes in;
The game’s to stop the great deluge.
But dikes won’t matter ‘til the end
And, Michael, that’s forever.
Let’s draw a message we can send.
Aliens will think we’re clever.
Let’s dig up horseshoe clams.
We’ll play forever in this weather.
And what if ocean turned to land?
We’d slide on it like glass,
the waves all frozen. That’d be grand.
The water’s coming back. Alas!
We’ll drain the tide pools out.
Their braided streams push back the mass.
Or so we like to dream about
As we defend our dike.
Waves slap against our last redoubt.
We’re on a sunken island, Mike.
It’s walls are sagging sand.
I think it’s time to take a hike.
Splish, splash, run to the real land.
Tomorrow, though, we’ll take a stand.