
alone at last

i’m so glad to be alone again
alone again at last
eight months since i have felt like this
felt so very bad

eight months have passed without your breath
without my steaming eyes
eight months without your brain about
without your worried cries

i wish i could be better, yes,
without your sorry tongue
but still i wish that i was there
to share my labored lungs

you’ve gone away, okay,
that’s great,
but when’re you coming back?
you told me i
should wait for you
before you kissed me black

i stayed up every night with you
your memories subside
i wish i could regret you but
the chemicals react

inside my brain you burrowed,
filthy worm just like you are
and ate away at reason,
left a hole inside my heart

you munched away at adipose
and shit out all your lies
but did you know: i watched you
far away, from murky skies?

i knew of your intentions
far before they came to pass
but still i could not stop you
when you feast on liquid glass.

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