
A Hoarder of things pt.1

I am a hoarder of things

I move mountains and battle armies, all for the sake of attaining and holding items

They glitter and sparkle and shine,
Giving me deep and satisfying gratification

I am a hoarder of things

Like a fiend of fire, I seek them out, aching to consume them all-
Leaving nothing in my wake for others

I am a hoarder of things

My consoles, my car, my gadgets and toys

My books, my music, my photos, my kitchen appliances

I refuse to part with anything

Though not for the reasons made apparent in my words heretofore.

I am a hoarder of things;
Because they hold value of sentiment and history

History. Histoire. Story.

Things hold stories that I wish to never forget

They are like jewels of laughter and sorrow

Deep wells of elation and lessons hard-learned

Every single item, a toke that can be flashed for a trip to the past

I am a hoarder of things;
Because I’ve had them ripped away from me before, numerous times

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