Ascension: An Uphill Struggle
His grip was firm, his gaze betraying as much emotion as my blacked-out visor did.
“USNE Navy Boarding Team AR-7, sir. Sorry about the mess.”
“Not to worry, son. You spend as much time out here as I have, you learn not to be too bothered by a little blood on the walls. Thanks for the assist.”
“Your tax roubles at work, sir. Travel safe.”
I returned his nod, returning to the boarding pod and signalling the dropship for pickup.
“Kurzweil One to Firebase, mission complete. Vessel captain unharmed, no prisoners taken.”
“Firebase to Kurzweil, confirm all objectives achieved. Great shooting, we’ll debrief you on deck.”
“Copy all, Firebase.”
We carefully tagged and wrapped the two KIAs in the pod and undocked, that uneasy feeling still weighing heavily on my mind. Unable to get rid of it, I just gave up and watched the white cargo hauler fall away.