
Ascension: Your Fly is Down

The Hakudo Maru, cleansed of damage, fell toward Threeworld. It was time for Kenichi to brief his officers on the coming campaign. He checked the selfie in the corner of the screen and cleared his throat. He preferred face to face. But cargo earned the profits, and freighter architecture reflected this.

“We’ll land within the hour,” he announced. “Rebels led by Cera will meet us there for a joint assault on the USNE compound. Two things.

“First, this is a freighter, not a transport. It wasn’t designed for a bunch of people to leave quickly together. Figure out how to do it anyway.

“Second, Threeworld used to be Fort Obama. Its defenses are old, but …”

“Captain, sorry to interrupt,” came a voice. “A shuttle is leaving Threeworld. Could be a transport.”

“All systems silent,” Kenichi ordered, and cut the feed. He looked over his board. The cargo monitor was still on. He felt a cold sweat. Had it been on when the USNE officer was here? Had he seen the hidden men?

And, that changed what?

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