My search for the bathroom was so far unfruitful, yet I was determined to find some kind of tool to assist me in my mission. I heard footsteps following me and quickly turned right down the nearest corridor, then left and left again. Desperate to shake my stalker I rushed into the next room I found which appeared to be some kind of bathroom. Inside this room I found a large sink and several stalls but inside the stalls were showers and toilets…? Who the hell wants their shower in the same place as a toilet…? Although in certain situations I suppose it could be convenient. Other than toilets and showers in the same stalls it was an ordinary bathroom. I moved about the room searching for a weapon of some sort to defend myself with but nothing I came across seemed the least bit useful. The towels in the stalls were dry and would only serve as concealment at best, the soap might make my assailants eyes burn but would only be a temporary distraction. Then I noticed another door…