
Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday was always my favourite. Always has been, or had been, until Mr. Brain-Fetish came through town.

After the majority of us had died of “natural causes,” the mayor decided it was best to ban all meat from the town. This, of course, broke the first and only rule of Taco Tuesday: One shalt not have a meatless Taco Tuesday.

It was Billy who had the idea. God knows we had more than enough of them around. I mean, they weren’t doing anything but wandering around and scaring folks – they were pretty much vermin. So we thought, What the hell, why not?

We opened up the Crab Shack and had Taco Tuesday again, featuring the Mystery Meat. Everyone loved it. Nobody could guess what the meat was, it was great. We even had a lottery for people who wanted to guess and gain a little cash on the side. The pot was still growing when Billy’s cousin noticed the distinct lack of Moaners. He closed us down.

It was Billy’s idea. That night, Billy’s cousin died of “natural causes.” The next day was Taco Tuesday.

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