Snow days
I sit and stare out the window. The snows falling so thickly that I can hardly make out the outline of my beloved little brother shoveling the drive way. ‘Maybe I could make him that hot chocolate that he loves so much…. The poor boy. I wonder whats going through him mind…’ “TWIX! GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND DO SOMETHING HELPFUL BEFORE I GET BACK.” my asinine older brother calls out before slamming the front door ‘Jerk… Where does he think hes going?!?! You can barely see out there! Just because moms in the hospital does not give him the right to do whatever’. I’m so deep in thought that I almost don’t notice the outlining of my little brother collapse. I rush outside not bothering with a coat and quickly carry him indoors. His lips were starting to turn blue. “Skittle… Go run a hot bath in our bathroom and I’ll have some hot chocolate waiting for you when you get out ok?”. The small boy nods and slowly makes his way upstairs as I got to the kitchen to get started on his hot chocolate.